Hello, welcome to my 14th week posting. This week has been a stressful week with my grandmother's funeral going on I am unable to get any work done. With her burial going on tomorrow I will not be able to come to class to get my manikin checked. In class we continued with our head drawings of the eyes, nose, lips, and ears. I feel I need to spend a bit more time focusing on the skull of the head so I can get a better understanding of how all the parts that make up the face fits within the head. As the semester is getting closer to an end I feel things in this class are getting so rushed with little time to explain what we maybe drawing. As a final for our class we were given the assignment to do a self portrait as well as putting together a portfolio.
This image is a drawing of the male model's head we started last Friday and continued with this past week. I felt it was a challenge getting used to this unique style of drawing rather than the typical style we have used in our drawing 1 and 2 classes. While I was drawing I had trouble getting the curvature of the facial structures. In addition I had trouble creating a difference in line weights, but then I felt I overcame this problem when I switched from a pencil to a charcoal pencil to create a great depth in the lines. At the end of the course I hope to gain a better understanding of how to draw the hair for the eye brows and on the head. Another aspect I would like to learn more about are the areas around the eyes and underneath the jaw.
The drawing looks really nice!! You drew in awesome contour lines--it's got a great 3D quality. I don't know if this makes you less stressed, I hope it does, but I did my self portrait this weekend and it's weird at first but just try to make your face as emotionless as possible--its really easy to go back to that look while you're drawing. It'll be interesting to see what everyone looks like when they're in heavy drawing mode. Goodluck this week! Just take everything one assignment at a time.